Many times in my life I’ve felt broken. Found myself broken. Brokenness can be caused by many things. Disappointment , loss, sickness or physical ailments, Hurt feelings, and just plain ole life’s little surprises.
During those times we respond in different ways . We cry, get angry, withdraw, become fearful, feel Less than and many other emotions can arise.
Sometime Brokenness makes us ask questions, makes us feel as if we have had to start the race all over again. Try to find the strength to pull It together.
We are sorta like colors…. Tucked away in a box, tattered and torn and yes broken… BUT…….
Truth is, if we cling to God, trust in Him, Pray about it more than we talk about it, get still, we begin to see that even in our brokenness we can be used of God. We find we still have value and we begin to realize there is still HOPE .
