5 AM and Waiting………

What would you get up for at say 3:30 am? Get a bath, put makeup on and throw on your clothes to get out and fight traffic just to get to the door to see hundreds of other people pushing and shoving trying to be the very first in line?????? Did you do that this past Friday??? I saw photos on facebook of folks sitting in the aisles at Walmart, nose to nose in a line as far as you could see, grabbing wrist bands so you were assured a spot at the 5am sale. WAS THAT YOU??? I remember about 6 years ago I too did that same thing. The key word here is 6 years ago.LOL  It reminded me of a time that I even slept in a lawn chair outside the Mississippi Coliseum to purchase Tickets to see Michael Bolton for my sister.  HOW INSANE… Maybe when your young you just don’t see it. I actally got sad  as I saw these photos on the web and listened to news reports of how folks got strampled and that more than ever folks had turned out for the BIG SALE. I wondered if today, SUNDAY, folks were getting up at 3am, 4 am or even 5am with the anticipation of worshipping our Lord and Savior today?? Do we want to beat the crowd this morning, do we want to get that front row seat, Are we running to him this morning?  The truth is we should want that front row seat every morning but somehow I think we have allowed our world to water down our time with God, our experience with God, our closeness with God , our whole concept of God.  My prayer for you and for me, is that we will have or find that much enthusiasm for Christ and that we will RUN to him… Hoping to receive everything He has to SELL.