At the End of your Comfort Zone…

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone…… How you sittin today ? Are you comfortable.? When is the last time you decided to try something that had you alittle scared before.? When is the last time you walked up to a perfect stranger and ask them how they were? WHEN is the last time????? I’ve been forced out of my comfort zone and it is a very uncomfortable place to be. I get off and try to do something normal and then I want to go back home cause it’s the only place I feel close to HIM ( Dennis). I find myself listening but not listening to people, I find myself drifting off into no where land. SO excuse me if I act alittle different, don’t laugh as much , i’m just alittle out of my comfort zone… 2 Corinthians 1:4 He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.IMG_1269