Back in the Saddle…

There are many things in life that can cause fear. Some that will literally keep you from doing things and going places, etc. As a child my grandfather and I would load up on his horses and go for a ride. Truth is it was my favorite thing to do with “pappa”. He would give me that look as if to say, “are you ready for a ride?” He would saddle up the horses with such care and off we would go. His dog TOP was our guide. Somedays I wasn’t sure who was more excited about our ride.. me or him… Top was our protector. He would run ahead as if to watch for snakes and fox and was always ready to alert us of impending danger. Truth is one day we had an accident one that scared me so bad that I stopped riding. Just couldn’t do it. Couldn’t get over my fear. As life moved on and years went by I had sorta stuffed my horse riding days way back in my memories. Not sure when but at some point they began to surface. Truth is with several big birthdays I would say, “okay this is the year I’m going to get back on a horse”…. We booked this trail ride prior to leaving on our trip so I had some time to think about it. There was much anticipation prior to our arrival that day. I have to say by the time we arrived I had a knot in my stomach but there was also a new found excitement. We all loaded up and off we went into the woods for a 3 hour adventure. OMG it was amazing. The ride took us up the mountain, through the Aspens, through creek beds, around the Lake, and all the time the wind was blowing in our faces. The sun would peek through every now and then as a reminder that GOD is someone much bigger than ourselves controlling it all. The peace of getting back on was amazing. I share this to say to you. “is there something that you fear”. Is there something from your past that you are struggling with. Something you’d like a re-do with. Something that you need to face to overcome the backlash or the fear. God is always in control. He keeps all the doors and roads open for our recovery. He wants us to reclaim our ground to proclaim victory OVER all things that would keep us down or in fear. “We are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Romans 8:27 To conquer is to be victorious over an adversary. To be “more than a conqueror” means we not only achieve victory, but we are overwhelmingly victorious.To be more than conquerors means we face the trials of life with the certainty that we are not alone. Have a blessed day. I say to you, “get back in the saddle”…. Know that you can DO IT.. DO anything with GOD. Be an overcomer.