Can’t Sleep

Are any of you like me. Wake up all during the night. Get up, go back to bed, Get up , go back to bed. Sometimes I wonder if my mind will ever shut off. Like now it’s 4am and I”m up and ready to go as if the sun is shining and the birds are singing. ( neither are happening) I’ve gotten where I get out my bible and read in hopes of calming my heart. I just know that God has a word for me??? The thing that he has been showing me lately is about relationships. Those that enrich your life. I talked about basement people and attic people awhile back and I think the two go hand in hand. Do you have a relationship with anyone that is broken. Has a relationship that you have sent you to the basement lately?? It can send your heart into a tailspin. At least it does mine. Jesus was all about relationships. He enriched the lives of those he came in contact with. Why is it that those who are the closest to you seem to be the very ones to hurt you and do we do that to them as well??? Maybe not consciously. We should ask ourselves, “what are we doing to enrich the lives of those we have relationships with.” Everyone is so busy doing ‘Their” thing that they don’t have time for others these days. Its really sad to me. Being SO busy that you don’t have time for others is simply the devils workshop. He loves it when you can’t be Christ like. Call someone today that you haven’t talked to in awhile, send a written note to someone you haven’t written to in awhile. DON”T email… anyone can do that. Go the extra mile. REACH OUT…. Have a great weekend.