Bought this little book of encouragement today cause the title sorta jumped off the shelf at me. PLAN B… I thought for a moment. That’s exactly where I am or so I thought at first. I would describe living without my sweet husband definitely as PLAN B…. Never ever did I think that I would have to endure life without him. He was my rock, my go to , my PLAN A. BUT THEN…..
As I read Jeremiah 29:11 I am reminded that my PLAN is also GOD”S PLAN. I bet this verse is quoted more than any others. I found that a lot of people quoted it to me during those first hours, weeks and months of Dennis Death.
It says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. ” There’s that word again…. HOPE, the one word that GOD has been speaking into my ears over and over for the past year and without it we would all perish. GOD knew Plan B was coming, God knew exactly how I would be feeling tonight. He also knows how close I have to stay to HIM to understand, to move forward, to breathe. I hope that if you say to someone, “God has a plan” you’ve been through the PLAN….

What God showed me years ago about this verse was almost embarrassing. I was actually right in the middle of teaching a bible study at my home and had just quoted this verse and as usual I heard a few Amen’s from the ladies. BUT in that very instant it was as if I heard God say, “KEEP READING”. So I will share it with you now. BUT first let’s go back to Jeremiah 29:11 I’m now quoting from THE MESSAGE VERSION. ” I have it all planned out. plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.”
Sounds personal doesn’t it??? IT IS…..
NOT listen closely to verse 13 & 14 ” When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen. When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I”ll make sure you won’t be disappointed”. WOW !!! there it is. Plan B just became Plan A again. Did you see it?
The day God showed this to me, tears just began to fall down my face. I use to claim verse 11 for MINE all settled in and self assured BUT he showed me years ago that I have to come LOOKING, I have to SEEK HIM…. I finally know what that looks like.
GOD has a plan alright…. HE also has a PLAN for YOU…. In your weakest Plan, He is strong, in your saddest plan , he is happy , in your PITIFUL plan, He is the KING OF KINGS and is waiting on you to COME looking for HIM.
I spent some time at the cemetery this afternoon… That’s the sunset just as I was leaving. That’s PLAN A….