
Roadblocks …

roadblocksI came up on this train the other night here in town and as I came to a standstill I saw that the cross bars were down, Lights were flashing, horn was blowing and I could actually feel the vibration from the roar of the engine. I sat there thinking….. Isn’t this how LIFE IS. Just when we least expect it, It throws down the crossbars, flashes it’s light and brings us to a stand still. Sometimes the pain from the “roadblock” causes us to vibrate within.

At first the interruption can sometimes be aggravating, making us irritated at the STOP, the halt in our lives, making us scared of the unknown STOP, BUT if we stop long enough to think upon the event we find that if we will allow GOD to TAKE OVER, our breathing begins to return to normal, the vibration seems to lessen and the fears begin to subside.

As I drove to my kids for THANKSGIVING yesterday I was pondering over the things in my life that have caused cross bars to fall, lights to flash, horns to blow, my soul to vibrate. It seems that for the past almost year I’ve been waiting for all those things to return to normal. May never be normal again but what I DO know is that GOD will use these ROADBLOCKS to slow us down, get us to regroup, take another route OR get us to seriously access the things in our lives. The best thing HE CAN AND WILL DO, is grow us right in the middle of the STOP.

Are you at a STOP, a ROADBLOCK? TAKE A BREATH. BE THANKFUL for them cause SOMETIMES… just sometimes, they are so much more than that. Isaiah 43:19 “Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”