UPCOMING Bible Study… “Battlefield of the Mind”

It seems that it is the mind where all our problems begin.  It’s like this little voice says things to us to get us off track. OKAY, well I know that only happens to me. LOL  Starting Thursday, January 13th I will be facilitating “Battlefield of the Mind”by Joyce Meyer. This is actually the DVD series and it’s ony 4 lessons. All you need to bring is an open heart and a notebook. We all need encouragement and companionship with our “sisters in Christ”. The only way to do that is to commit to something. Everything worth having or experiencing ask something of you. There is limited seating so let me know if you are interested in being a part of this study. ONLY 4 WEEKS.  Refreshments will be served. Does that help any? LOL  Looking forward to sharing in this intimate time of teaching with each of you. Can’t wait to see you.  Email me at queeniescafe@gmail.com or facebook me me or feel free to call me at 601-513-2686 with any questions or directions to my house.