Bible Studies

I’ve always had a heart for women which led me to obtaining my certification in Women’s Ministry from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary back in 2000. Working with women has been such a blessing through the years.  Does that mean that I’m special…. Absolutely not.  I don’t recall where Jesus got his PHD. Ha!  I’ve never really liked to travel alone and on my first trip to New Orleans all the power went out and there I was laying in a strange place, alone , wondering what was GOD thinking.  Over the course of the next two years the journey continued.

From time to time I lead women’s bible studies here in my home, at my studio or other locations.  I would love for you to join in. If you haven’t ever been a part of a ladies bible study, your missing out. It is such a sweet time around the table.   Through the years we have covered a variety of studies such as One Thousand Gifts, Hope in the Midst of Depression, The Circle Maker, Bad Girls of the Bible, Battlefield of the Mind, Search for Significance and many more.

It is my desire that every lady be built up in Christ as we seek Him and get into His word together.

My Desire Statement:

God tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has a purpose and a plan for each of our lives. I feel this is mine, sharing my stories in order to help other women grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. I am most thankful for two things. One, that God uses imperfect people and second, that He has created a love in my heart for HIM like never before. It is my prayer that I will always be like the women at the well, “thirsty for Christ.”   I want to help women recover from past hurts and dissapointments, to lift their heads above past sins, and to move them from loneliness to fulfillment, through Jesus Christ. I want to help women discover the “Woman” God intends for them to be through bible study, woman-to-woman consultation and prayer.

As Sisters in Christ we will encourage each other as we grow together in our walk, and as we mature in our love for Jesus Christ, we will capture the “real” joy that only He can bring. Colossians 1:9