The Smell of Sweet Coffee Aroma…..

coffee story 2
I’m not a coffee lover. Caffeine and I just don’t mix but my sweetie loved coffee. TRUTH is every morning I would slip out of the bed and head to the kitchen and put his coffee on. After many coffee pots and all the new gadgets oh…. about 2 years ago he settled on an old percolator type coffee pot. He said it made the best coffee ever. I do know that I use to love to hear it percolating. Just a cool sound. It would let you know when it was ready to pour because the blue light would turn to a green light. That was my signal. WHEN that took place I would walk back slide in behind him in the bed and give him a nudge, or a pat and say, “honey your coffee is ready”. He would begin to move around and normally he would reach around and pull me in close for a big ole hug. ( missing those). coffee story 3I would make my way back to the kitchen and he would follow shortly behind me. THEN we would share breakfast and have our morning conversation and kick off our day. ( miss that too) …
WELL shortly after Dennis died I changed a few things in my kitchen. Nothing major, but one of the things I did was to put the coffee pot away. I didn’t drink it so why leave it on the counter … WELL here we are about 13 months down the road from that last morning (November 12, 2014) that I made him his last pot of coffee. That’s the morning I took him to Jackson to catch that last flight to Trinidad. ( little did I know that at the time)
coffee story 1Yesterday I hosted Bridge Club. It was such a treat. I got to bake a couple of cakes and welcome some sweet ladies into my home. They had ask for coffee SOOOOOO Out came the perfect percolator coffee maker and as I was filling it with coffee and plugging it in and as it began to make that noise my heart was overtaken with emotion. Haven’t heard that noise or smelled that smell aroma in quite some time. It was a GOOD FEELING THOUGH. Not one of sorrow. It was a FAMILIAR feeling and emotion. WEBSTER says familiar means” an intimacy that suggest a long association between persons.” How cool is that. That’s exactly what Dennis and I had. WE were familiar with one another. I loved having that sweet aroma in my house again
2 Corinthians 2:15 says “For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing” Would you stop for a minute and ask yourself “Am I that sweet aroma”….. I hope that something familiar tugs at your heart today.

Stein Mart Angel…..

fashion-1031469_640It is JUST crazy the way GOD does things. Things that we only really realize and understand AFTER they happen. Couldn’t see it coming for anything.
Last Sunday after church a friend and I made a quick trip to Jackson to Stein Mart for her to exchange something. I’m truthfully not a huge Stein Mart Shopper so I just sorta strolled around looking at things. I did end up grabbing a pair of pants but enjoyed watching the others that were shopping more. ( go figure) Somewhere between the Michael Korrs purses and the rack of the newest evening wear, I noticed this little elderly lady. She was well put together.. Makeup on, hair did, dressed very nice and her fingernails were well manicured. She was shopping with purpose and sifting through the finer knitwear with style. She had such a sweet face and I looked at her thinking, “this lady is WISE, classy and has been through some stuff.” She just sorta stood with independence.
TODAY…. I had a little window of opportunity to run back to Jackson to take back the pants I purchased last Sunday. I went right to the counter, returned my item and then went to make a quick sweep to see if I saw something that I just couldn’t live without. WELL…. guess who was there. Much to my surprise was the little elderly lady that I had seen on Sunday. Hair DONE, nails done, dressed well, makeup on and smiling. She walked right up to the rack where I was and then she began to comment to me about the sweater I had in my hand. She started telling me what to put with it, how it would look with boots, etc. etc. etc. SHE HAD STYLE… I began to talk to her and I actually told her , ” I just saw you here this past Sunday”. She said, “yes, I shop here at STEIN MART ALOT”. She continued with “I think I’m a preferred customer”. I chuckled…..
WELL ….. I began to talk to her and she told me that TODAY was her 87th Birthday. WE talked about her lunch with her granddaughter and her precious great grandson and the conversation continued. She finally shared with me that she had lost her husband 4 years ago. ( they were in a bad car accident and both spent weeks in ICU and He didn’t make it) She began to tell me about him and about moving in with her daughter AND HOW good her life is still. TRUTH IS, I wanted to just break down and cry at the very moment she began to share her story with me. I eventually told her about losing Dennis and here’s what she then said, “well Honey, you get up everyday and you do what you want to do. Ask God to show you what your purpose is”. She then said ” Today is the day the LORD hath made let’s rejoice and be glad in it”… and then SHE SMILED SO BIG…. I reached out at that very moment and ask, “can I hug you?” She giggled and was like, well yes. At 87 She is still out talking about God and loving on folks. OH HOW I HOPE that is me one day. My own little Stein Mart Angel. I so hope God lets our paths cross again.
Romans 12:8 “If it is encouraging, let him encourage… “Be a living Example of God’s goodness.

Daring Greatly…..

daringgreatlybadge1If I was to ask you have you ever been disappointed I feel sure you might answer yes. If I was to ask if you’ve ever been challenged beyond what you thought you could reach, I feel sure you might answer yes. If I was to ask you have you ever been made fun of I feel sure your might answer yes. If I was to ask you if you’ve ever failed at anything I feel sure you might answer yes.
Through out my life I’ve learned a lot of things from situations and challenges that I’ve been affected by. I’ve learned that being a good Christian isn’t directly associated with your church attendance yet In contrast, I’ve learned that a painful broken heart is directly affected by how much you love. I’ve learned that even good people don’t always want the best for you and I’ve learned that the people that you least expect will rise up on your behalf. I’ve learned that friends will lie to you while your enemies will smile at you.
One of the things I admired about Dennis was his “smarts”. NOT being a smart aleck but his ability to be well versed in a lot of things. One was history. He loved history. I came across something today that I want to share with you. It was written in April 1910 by Theodore Roosevelt. This speech is sometimes referred to as “The Man in the Arena”. Read slowly this little piece of history.
Here’s Roosevelt’s Speech:
” It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again,
because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause;
who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly…”
This really struck a cord with me. It’s not how much fun someone makes of you or what people think about you. IT’s not how many times you stumble and have to get back up. It’s not whether you win or lose but HOW you ( play the game) DARE… The challenge is what Roosevelt said…. to Dare Greatly….
Are you facing something right now that you need a good dose of daring greatly??? It means being all in. COURAGE TO YOU…..