What Version are You?

the bible
Through the years of studying the bible I’ve owned several different versions. There was a stretch of time where I just used one bible/one version. The NIV. It made it so easy for me to understand scripture. During that time I wrote side notes, underlined, drew stars as needed, etc. Heck i was bible journaling before my time. hahaha Then as time went on I bought up a couple of other bibles, was given a couple as gifts, and now days I use several of them to go back and forth and read scriptures from various versions for a certain purpose.
Today I want to share a scripture with you as a comparison between the NASB and The Message.

When you pass through the waters I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned;
The flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the lord your God
Isaiah 43:2-3 NASB version
When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you;
When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down.
When you’re between a rock and a hard place,
It won’t be a dead end because
I am God, your personal God.
Isaiah 43:2-3 The Message Version
I have clung to these verses over the last 13 months. Started out hanging by a thread….. I kept telling myself that I wasn’t going down, I wasn’t drowning, I wasn’t being consumed with the fire of grief… I just kept telling myself GOD was ABLE…….
These particular verses from The Message are screaming my name. The very first sentence… “when you’re in over your head. I”ll be there with you”… really GOD? “Do you know how over my head I am?” “YES really” , he has been saying. Truth is He’s been saying that throughout my life.
I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that I still sit and cry some days, i’d be lying if I didn’t tell you that my heart is still breaking over losing Dennis, I’d be lying if i said there weren’t still days that I just want to give up BUT….. then I read these verses again and I am reminded that there is NOTHING that I could ever encounter that GOD can’t handle and walk me through. I read them quiet often.
***********I want to challenge you to do something.*************
I want you to write down The Message version on a piece of paper and tape it to your refrigerator. ( I know you will see it there cause you got to eat) and I want you to leave it there for a week.
BUT that’s not all….. I want you to read it out loud every time you go to the refrigerator for the entire week. ( if your willing to accept this assignment please respond with a K) Let’s get the word stirred up this week.
See how God can get in that. See how much HE can lift your spirits with that. JUST SEE…….
‪#‎Betheversion‬ ‪#‎lifechanges‬, ‪#‎wordsofencouragement‬,‪#‎IAMGOD‬

One Comment

  1. hi Kathy,
    I’ve just found your blog and just finished reading “What Version are you?” I have to tell you that is a verse I have clung to during many trials as well. I love reading & meditating on it in different versions, too.
    I just read more of your story and am so very sorry about the loss of your precious Dennis. I just can’t imagine. I lost my father many years ago, although it feels like yesterday (he had a prostate cancer diagnosis at age 67 and died 7 months later.). Miss him like crazy. Within the next year I lost my only brother in a horrible car accident. I don’t think anything could be worse than losing your spouse, though. I’m so sorry for your loss.
    I am looking forward to meeting you at the Pursuit conference in April. We connected briefly on FB last week…I’m one of the other “over twentysomething” women going….(over 40something…even 50something….but who’s counting?!)
    I’m still not sure why the Lord has me going to this conference as I’m not a professional photographer but I know He has something wonderful in store!

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