WHEN we are in the valleys we wonder sometimes if we are going to make it out. WE begin to grow weary, we ask questions, we might even find the future dim. Slowly but surely we begin to claw the earth, to dig our way out, to rise above those things that cause of heartache and pain. The things that could make us feel less than. Its not easy.
It’s those things that teach us, grow us and remind us that GOD is always in control. Its in the past where we actually see the lessons. It’s looking to the past where we see exactly how GOD was orchestrating our return to the mountain top. Usually once we arrive we are forever changed in some way…. sometimes completely. We see that the past has made us stronger.
Are you strong today? 1 Chronicles 28:20 Then David Continued, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, My God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.”

Have you blown the plans for your future?

Have you BLOWN your plans for your future?

Losing a spouse affects SO many things. It’s not just the loss that crushes your heart, tears at your spirit, and allows loneliness to come rushing in. It’s all the other things that begin to wear on the human spirit. It’s a HUGE change in your entire existence. It’s the day after day of getting up alone, going to bed alone, the absolute silence in your home, eating alone, no intimate conversations, no one to root you on, losing your best friend and the list goes on. To those who have never lost someone they loved more than life itself, Grief is nothing.

Knowing is Understanding…..

When I wake up now, and as the sun is peeking it’s little head through my bedroom window, I have begun this thing with God. I just lay in the bed for a moment and begin to think upon my day. I begin to stretch my faith. I usually say outloud, “okay Lord so what do you have for me today?” May sound strange for some of you but in days past it’s been hard for me to look towards the future because my PAIN has been so great. Talking out loud to HIM gives me HOPE. As I speak I remember that GOD is still in charge of everything and that there is not one single thing I can do in my own power to change the plan HE Has laid out for me. #jeremiah29:11

After 21 months I’m still learning, still growing…. I”m still figuring out how to mend the crack in my broken heart. It is life changing. BUT the one thing I have learned is that you have the decide to either GROW from it or DIE in it.

Today I came across these words and it really hit home with ME. I hope it will speak to you as well.
