Meet the CREW and a few YOGA lessons……

me and jody web yoga faith 10 - web group shot _edited-1 circle web 9244-web 9197-web 8973-webThese are a few shots from my recent Yoga Training. If you think I look really tired it’s because I was. haha ‪#‎oldwomentryinghard‬
I just want to say that if you’ve never considered YOGA as a way to exercise in mind, body and spirit, It’s TIME. It is truly amazing. Yoga has so many health benefits and it’s not about getting into a head stand, twisting up like a pretzel ( unless you want to do that).

Different bodies- different abilities. Your journey is to walk this life with purpose allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you.
I actually find some of my best REST at the end of my Yoga Practice. Matthew 11:28 says “he will give you rest”. And in Isaiah 28:12 it says, “God has told his people , “let the weary rest here.” We simply need to seek HIM, create times of quiet and stillness.

YOGA FAITH is a yoga practice where we are intentional about getting quiet and meditating on HIM and His word every single day.
Two things. you are no accident and GOD has a plan for YOU !! He has given you a body to care for so that you can help take care of others and fulfill the plan HE has for your life.
I wrote this during an exercise at Yoga Training.. WE were outside surrounded by gorgeous trees and ask to meditate on HIS word.
I see my body as a Tree,
only you my God can rescue me;
Winds will blow and I will sway,
You my God will secure my way;
Times of drought will come rushing in,
Only you my God will know exactly when;
My roots will take hold and grow with you,
Cause you my God will forever Reign true:
Such a child like POEM, simple and short but as I watched the trees that day I saw a resemblance between my self and them. In this life we will be pushed around, faced with things out of our control, dry bones in seasons, and even in all that GOD can keep us rooted, protect us and shine upon us with HIS presence and His word.
What are you ROOTED in. In Yoga, Mountain pose would be a great place to start. In Psalms 62:1 it says, “I stand silently before the Lord, waiting for Him to rescue me. For salvation comes from Him alone.” Have you stood before the LORD today. Rooted in HIM?
Ezra 9:5-b-6a says, “I fell on my knees with my hands spread out to the Lord my GOD.” In Yoga. Get in simple seated position with your arms lifted high. As you worship HIM you are also opening your heart to HIM and stretching and aligning your spine. See it’s that simple.
Do not let fear stand in your way. Get out of all the why nots and think on the I CAN….
WE say Not Yet….. God Says then when?

What Ya Thinking?

13230066_10154037442275590_5457665878247081419_nDO you remember the old children’s story of the little ENGINE that could. After trying and trying and almost giving up, what did the little Engine finally say to himself…. “I think I can, I think I can.” He changed his thinking and began to encourage himself. What do we tell ourselves every single day about our lives? What have you been telling yourself about YOUR LIFE? When is the last time you encouraged yourself?
Each decision, each challenge, each obstacle is different for each of us. We all face different roadblocks day by day BUT if we change our thinking we can continue to put one foot in front of the other and gain the courage to succeed. YOUR THINKING MATTERS.
What are you “thinking on today”. Are you confused and need clarity, are you sick and need to be well, Are you contemplating a move but are paralyzed ? What’s holding you back. Could it be your thinking??? Don’t lose the battle.
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.?” Philippians 4:8