Happy Birthday Dennis…

Happy Birthday Dennis….. Today I share one of my favorite photos of my sweet husband with you in celebration of his Birthday. He would have been 62 today. This was taken 2 years ago while we were on our annual beach trip. Something we looked forward to.
He was doing what he loved. CHILLIN’… Do rag and all. He was sound asleep on our deck surrounded by the sound of the ocean and the smell of the beach. Me, oh i’m sitting off to the side reading and writing and watching him breath and feeling blessed. Putting my thoughts on paper, like I am now.
I thought every year when we made this trip that I was blessed (and I was) but I know now that it is in the little things where we really find unmeasurable blessings.
Seems silly to some to even acknowledge a Birthday for someone who has left this earth but it’s not silly at all. This is a day of the year for 23 years we celebrated together. I must say though that I’ve always seen birthdays alittle different than most. To me it has nothing to do with the gifts, the decorations or the party, but everything to do with the LIFE that GOD has given us. Birthdays are special. They are makers to me that you’ve made it another year. It’s an opportunity to reflect and to siege all at the same time. ‪#‎lookingbackmovingforward‬.
Life is fragile, death is tragic but when you mix those two together you find MEMORIES. One is while your making them and the other is what brings them more to life.
Dennis was an extraordinary man. One who was remarkably smart, level headed, BIG hearted and who loved unconditionally.
If I had my RATHERS… well I’d be in my kitchen today ( with my Queenie apron on. Some will get that, others of you won’t) baking him a birthday cake and planning dinner tonight. We would probably be sitting down to our dining room table alone with a room filled with candles and white lights and having small talk. Boy how I miss that. But instead….. i’m blessed to be celebrating in my heart and remembering ALL the good times. Happy Birthday Sweetie.
“Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the GOD who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.” Psalms 25: 4-5dennis

Goodbye sweet friends….

Today we say goodbye to a precious, spunky, always smiling lady whom I had the privilege to get to know just over this past 15 months. Dottie Tillman and I were drawn together through mutual friends and the death of our husbands. We had such a sweet time sharing stories about them and of course having those conversation about what we were going to do without them. She told me more than once “jerry was my guy”, I just don’t know how i’m going to make it without him.” WELL… She doesn’t have to anymore. She is standing along beside him but more importantly than that she is standing in the presence of GOD. Totally healed and at peace. Today we will officially honor her life on earth and bid her farewell. “when we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be”. I’ve always loved that old hymn. Sometimes the only thing that keeps us going is to remember that one line. IF you read her Facebook page you will see ALL the lives she touched in so many ways. What a testament to the LIFE SHE LIVED on this earth.
Yesterday I told another friend goodbye. It was a different kind of goodbye. It was one of those “see ya soon” goodbyes. Gamble and her family pulled out early yesterday morning heading on a NEW ADVENTURE with GOD. They are heading to Arizona to seed a church with the North American Mission Board. It was tuff. As I watched those last few items be put into their vehicles I was overcome with tears. My heart was aching. I cried most of the way home, yet reflecting on ALL THE FUN TIMES we have had over the last several years. God brought us together many years ago through Photography. What started out as a simple, “lets get together for lunch”, became a great friendship, a Sisterhood. ( Gamble and her husband Shayne pictured here)
Seems sometimes that life is full of saying goodbye. I know in my own life It seems i’ve had to say goodbye way too many time in a short period of time. I don’t always see the purpose in the goodbyes and some have completely broken me, but I trust that GOD’S plan is always perfect. EVEN when we are hurting, sometimes alone and we find ourselves not understanding…. HE is still making a way. Through many endings, HE brings new beginnings.
1 Thessalonians 3:7 “So we have been greatly encouraged in the midst of our troubles and suffering, dear brothers, and sisters, because you have remained strong in your faith.”
We are reminded that in ALL things God shows up, He comforts us as we draw near to Him. He sends encouragement through our brothers and sisters just when we need it. And as we TRUST in HIM he is there to walk us through every step of the way.
We should cherish the friendships that guide us back to Christ. We should strive to build on the friendships that help make us better disciples. There are those friends that we connect with on a such a spiritual level that the goodbyes change us, mold us, and push us back to Christ.
I write this NOT for my grieving but in hopes of shedding some light on a better understanding of GOODBYES. I guess what i’m trying to say is Make more of your HELLO’S.
Had any goodbyes lately?

Meet the CREW and a few YOGA lessons……

me and jody web yoga faith 10 - web group shot _edited-1 circle web 9244-web 9197-web 8973-webThese are a few shots from my recent Yoga Training. If you think I look really tired it’s because I was. haha ‪#‎oldwomentryinghard‬
I just want to say that if you’ve never considered YOGA as a way to exercise in mind, body and spirit, It’s TIME. It is truly amazing. Yoga has so many health benefits and it’s not about getting into a head stand, twisting up like a pretzel ( unless you want to do that).

Different bodies- different abilities. Your journey is to walk this life with purpose allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you.
I actually find some of my best REST at the end of my Yoga Practice. Matthew 11:28 says “he will give you rest”. And in Isaiah 28:12 it says, “God has told his people , “let the weary rest here.” We simply need to seek HIM, create times of quiet and stillness.

YOGA FAITH is a yoga practice where we are intentional about getting quiet and meditating on HIM and His word every single day.
Two things. you are no accident and GOD has a plan for YOU !! He has given you a body to care for so that you can help take care of others and fulfill the plan HE has for your life.
I wrote this during an exercise at Yoga Training.. WE were outside surrounded by gorgeous trees and ask to meditate on HIS word.
I see my body as a Tree,
only you my God can rescue me;
Winds will blow and I will sway,
You my God will secure my way;
Times of drought will come rushing in,
Only you my God will know exactly when;
My roots will take hold and grow with you,
Cause you my God will forever Reign true:
Such a child like POEM, simple and short but as I watched the trees that day I saw a resemblance between my self and them. In this life we will be pushed around, faced with things out of our control, dry bones in seasons, and even in all that GOD can keep us rooted, protect us and shine upon us with HIS presence and His word.
What are you ROOTED in. In Yoga, Mountain pose would be a great place to start. In Psalms 62:1 it says, “I stand silently before the Lord, waiting for Him to rescue me. For salvation comes from Him alone.” Have you stood before the LORD today. Rooted in HIM?
Ezra 9:5-b-6a says, “I fell on my knees with my hands spread out to the Lord my GOD.” In Yoga. Get in simple seated position with your arms lifted high. As you worship HIM you are also opening your heart to HIM and stretching and aligning your spine. See it’s that simple.
Do not let fear stand in your way. Get out of all the why nots and think on the I CAN….
WE say Not Yet….. God Says then when?