Time to Write again ……

Funny how we allow the world to intercept our lives. Sorta like in a football game. You really don’t see it coming. Someone or something just sorta sneaks up beside you and “grabs” your stuff right out of your hand. I started this Blog months ago and several of you caught on pretty quick and then I just disappeared. Got too busy doing life and doing things that did not matter. Well it wasn’t that they didn’t matter it was I allowed them to become more important than the things that really matter. Yeah, I know that was probably not proper English.(ha) anwyway… I’m speaking out today …I’m coming back . This little “BLOG” is my little way of giving back…. Possibly giving you some “food for thought”, some encouragement for Life and lead you step by step to “THE ONLY ONE” who can change your life. Let me introduce you to my friend “JESUS”… He is doing a great work in me and well hey… any of you who know me know that he definately had some work to do.. Please join me as we journey together. OH… it’s 4am. That’s when I get my best work done.  Love to all….

Sharing your Faith …..

When is the last time you shared your faith??? Do you find it hard to do? Do you only feel comfortable doing it around certain people. Funny how we sometimes feel alittle more Christian than others so we find it easy to share with those people. WE SHOULDN”T . IT’s sorta like my job, I can always find someone who is a better Photographer than me and as a Christian… I can always find someone who’s walk is stronger than mine.

Read. Philemon 6:7 I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith so that you will have a better understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.

When we share Christ with others God allows us to gain a deeper and better understanding of every good thing in Christ. Can you see a direct correlation between sharing your faith and your own spiritual growth??

Ask for God’s boldness today to say a prayer for someone… I challenge you as well as myself.

Daily Living

I tell ya its tuff sometimes living day to day as being a good Christian. You want to do good, you try to do good but some days you just struggle. At least I do. I think back over all the years that I have wasted not following God’s lead and sorta living my life like I wanted to. Thinking I was in control. I’m ashamed to say that the closer I move towards God the more I realize the time I have missed with him.

A new friend of mine shared a verse with me today and I want to share it with you. It just sorta clicked in regards to my every day life. See how it affects you.

“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20

If we could only remember that each and every day..

I promise to get back to the boat on Thursday.