I’m always amazed at how a few days at the beach can regenerate many things within me. There is nothing like the beach for rest and solitude, something Dennis and I liked to do every year in the fall when kids were gone back to school and the snow birds were just arriving. I’m reminded that life, like the ocean, has things that are hidden beneath the surface yet there is JOY and COMFORT in it’s rhythmic motion.
The ocean is the beauty of God’s Hand. The sound of Restoration. The resemblance of life’s HIGHS and LOWS and the sand surrounding it all where you can make footprints of your life. The sound of seagulls ringing in your ears and the sunrise and sunset reminding us that another day has come and gone.
I was blessed a couple of weekends ago to share this trip with my SISTERS in Christ. You know the ones you can pray and praise with without limits. The ones that Love you no matter what. It was such an honor to share in a devotional time which included YOGA #yogafaith. It was a time of sweet fellowship.
On Saturday I chose to stay at the house and REST. It was much needed. I walked and talked with GOD along the beach and reminisced on memories of LIFE. I sat on the edge of the beach and meditated on God’s word and prayed about things to come. As many of you know I love to write so I was jotting as God was piercing my heart. This is what I got.
Poem October 2017-
Life thrusts our hearts like waves and wind, only for Him to bring us peace again;
In the bottom of the ocean there are mysteries, it’s deep and dark where we cannot see;
In the dark we feel afraid and alone, In the depths of that fear we begin to groan;
From the muck and the mire you surround us with your love, pulling us up with mercy from above’;
Higher than the mountains, greater than the sea, Your love oh God carries me:
The empty chairs reminded me that GOD always has a seat for us. The shadow picture made me think of the imprint we leave on the world. An outline of our lives and The double H means your halfway Home. ha
Isaiah 43:2 “when you go through deep waters, I will be with you.”

Hanging on by a String???

Hangin on by a String?
Are you broken into pieces, hanging on by a string? Is there something in your life that has you strung out?
It is in the brokenness that God begins to re-string our lives.
If you will allow HIM to have all the pieces, he will begin to put them back together.
Many times we get hurt ( broken piece), we get disappointed ( broken piece), we fail at something ( broken piece), we lose someone close to us ( broken piece) life happens ( broken piece)…..
If your feeling broken apart today and find yourself simply hanging on by a string… give it to HIM… He is the master at re-stringing us into wholeness. Back into the “piece” HE wants us to be.
Psalms 34:18. “the Lord is close to the broken hearted.”

Before and After….

We look upon those two words sometimes as the past and the present. The once was, now isn’t or the bad and now the good. BUT before and after can represent a lot of things BUT holding true to those two words there is usually some TRANSFORMATION.
Transformation by webster means: To change the form or outward appearance of, to change the condition, nature of function of , to CHANGE. IT relates to something NEW.
Transformation by God’s word : “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let GOD transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. THEN you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2
Have you ever had a before and after moment in your life? Many hearts have been broken with before and after moments. Many hearts have REJOICED in before and after moments.
We are all DOING LIFE… Sometimes when you ask people how they are, their simple response is “oh, i’m doing life”.
We have been given one life, one breath, one opportunity to CHOOSE our destination. Physically, emotionally, and eternally. Each day is a new opportunity to TRANSFORM anything we aren’t happy about.
I choice this picture to share with you today simple because it was a “FUNNY” on YOGA. Yoga is transformational. Not in some weird way but in the way that you care for yourself. Yoga is the exercise of the mind, body and the spirit.
Over the weekend I’ve run into many who have said, “Oh kathy I want to come to yoga but I don’t think I can do that.” I hope that in talking to many of you that the one thing you hear me say is that YOGA isn’t about DOING something . It’s NOT about a headstand, a crow pose, a backbend. Can it involve those poses …. of course but more than that it’s about transformation. Learning to be still, to rest in the LORD, to find the things in your body that you can do. SIMPLE steps…
I use YOGA as a means of transformation in my own life. IT helps me to stay healthy, to worship GOD on my mat every day and to learn to be quiet and STILL. Something that is hard for me.
IF you haven’t tried YOGA yet … your still on the fence. Please give me a call, let’s talk . Let’s transform together.