Good Morning… Well you made it, It’s Friday. I remember when I worked an 8-5 job and made the count down every week to the ole weekend. Now on Fridays, my week is just starting.
I want to talk to you about God’s Peace this morning. All this week I’ve had some sleepless nights. Dropping off early in “the ole chair” only to wake up at 11 or so and then restlessly staying up for hours. A couple of nights I simply couldn’t get to sleep. Last night was one of those. Had all kinds of things going through my mind and some other things heavy on my heart. Normally I would just watch TV or grab a photography book but last night I grabbed another book…… THE BOOK. God led me to a devotional which led me to a verse.
Paul tells us that we will face the storms and stresses of life ( that is guaranteed) but that we can turn out worries into prayers and present our needs to God. ( have you done that lately?) Know what will happen??? You will experience God’s peace. Your heart and mind will be blanketed with it- guarded against any unwanted intruders. ( got any of those in your life?) Your stomach will stop churning, you will be able to sleep, you will be able to get through the crisis intact. It comes from knowing the one truth that matters most: GOD IS IN CONTROL. That alone is the foundation of our peace and only that. The journey may be long ahead of us, the light at the end of the tunnel not yet visable but God is here with us. Place your hand in his and walk forward with him.
OH, yeah the scripture verse. It comes from John 14:27 It says,” I am leaving you with a gift- peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give, So dont’ be troubled or afraid.”
There it is….. Jesus said it all. He gave us peace of mind and peace of heart.
Have a great weekend.