roller coaster
I bet there are many of you who actually stand in line to ride one of these things. NOT ME. i’ve always run from them. Upside down and all around is NOT for me. Of course these last, almost 7 months, have been just like living on a roller-coaster. The uncertainly of the next more, the fast turn, the drop, your heart racing, the white knuckles from holding on for dear life. With each passing day come new challenges. I Keep praying that the HOLE in my heart will heal and this roller- coaster ride will END.
Do you feel that way sometimes.? Do you feel like your on a roller- coaster ride? Your situation is probably different from mine but many things in life can break us down, make us feel unsure, and alone. Hurts and disappointments can SHAKE us and cut us to our core. Is that you today? IF SO, I want you to read the following words. Read them slow, read them two or three times if you need to.
Read them knowing that we have a MIGHTY GOD who is here for us even when we feel alone. He is waiting for us to peel our hands off the bar of the roller- coaster and TRUST in him.
Listen to Him….
“Regardless of what comes at you. I am with you to bring you through to clarity and victory. Be strong and resolute and refuse to allow fear and panic to take you out of the flow of my spirit. ( have you found yourself out of His spirit lately?) Take whatever time is necessary to quiet your thoughts and emotions and THEN ask for wisdom about your next step. I will show you the way”. GET OFF THE ROLLER-COASTER. ( last 5 words added by me)

Are you showing your husband admiration???

Dear God, I love my husband. You have fitted us perfectly for each other. My husband is my best friend and I respect him so much. The problem is that sometimes I have a difficult time showing him my admiration. With the business of life, lack of energy, and forgetfulness, I rarely express my admiration for my husband. I desire that to change immediately! ( excerpt from today’s post by unveiled wife)
Unveiled Wife is one of my favorite blogs and when this post came across this morning it sorta jabbed at my heart. All those first things she listed were so true of mine and Dennis’ relationship. He truly was my best friend and yet the shortcomings for me were just the other things she mentioned. I found myself too busy a lot of days to show HIM the admiration that he so deserved. WE get so caught up doing things that don’t really matter, things that add no value to our marriages. In turn they catch the loss of our affections. Now i seat here each day with plenty of time on my hands to show him my admiration. Truth is i’m pining over HIM every day, having conversations with him everyday, looking at photos every day and wishing he was here.
I encourage you to STOP today and do something special for your husband. I know, he probably didn’t take out the trash this morning, He might have left his dishes in the sink last night. He might have even dropped his clothes in the floor BUT just try it. Over look those things today. ( what i would give to find Dennis clothes laying in the floor) Snuggle up and make HIM feel important. Take out a tube of lipstick and write him a sexy note on his bathroom mirror. Let him know that TODAY, RIGHT NOW , in your life, HE IS THE MAN…….



Happy anniversary baby, got you on my mind.. ( posted on Facebook July 2, 2015)

Happy Anniversary Dennis. I have had this song on my mind all day. I’ve had you on my mind all day.
Today as I sat with you at your graveside I was reminded of all the things we shared in life and just how much I love you. As you know this would have been our 21st. I want to thank you for the lessons you have taught me. How to be strong, how to be generous and how to love big. You made me a better person.
For the first time in seven months I’m going to attempt to sleep in our bed. I’m going to curl up next to you, my husband ( your spirit} and hold you tight. I’m sure I’m going to cry myself to sleep knowing you truly aren’t t there. My heart is aching because I want to hold you so very badly, but reality is I can’t.
As I wrestled this out with God tonight i prayed and ask for the courage to even get in the bed, HE assured me that joy would come in the morning. In Matthew 5:4 it says. “Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted.” Thank you God for your promises.
Happy Anniversary Baby, got you on my mind….

hole in my heart